A Planet for Each Day of the Week

In astrology, each day of the week correlates to a specific planet.

Astrology has so many fascinating connections to our daily lives and has since ancient times. Although the zodiacal calendar follows a different flow to the monthly format we’re used to, every day of the week corresponds to a particular planet, from the Sun to Venus to Saturn. Approaching daily horoscopes with this in mind can offer a functional workflow for journaling, meditating, chart-casting, and tarot reading. Each tarot card also corresponds to something astrological/zodiacal, but more on that later.

Keep in mind, astrology call all of the major celestial bodies planets, including the sun and moon.

From Sunday to Saturday: Daily Planets

The first day and planet are Sunday, which as it may sound, literally means “sun-day.” The sun represents our spirit, our passions, our willingness to create a life that we love. For me, Sundays have always been focused on spending time with my children and husband, occasionally some close friends or family. Many people acquaint Sunday as a day to rejoice, celebrate, prepare feasts, dress nicely, sing, cry, hug, and relax. Interestingly, all of these things are also my favorite things about my Leo friends and family.

Monday is the second day, which represents the moon. A dreary, fatigued start to the week is perhaps a sign of a tense alignment with lunar energy in your birth chart. But the moon also represents our dreams, creativity, emotions, and sense of nurturing. This perspective offers far more inspiration to take into your week.

The third day and planet are Tuesday and Mars. I like the idea of Mars being signified with Tuesday because there’s a need to “keep the energy going” as the midweek approaches, but the energetic fires are just starting to heat up. Mars really animates what it touches; Martian transits on Tuesdays would be interesting to note.

Fourth is Wednesday, which relates to the planet of Mercury. Mercury represents siblings, communication, messages being delivered, ideas shared, and discoveries by using one’s mind. Halfway through the week, what better way to stay in your flow than to communicate your ideas and needs with those closest to you?

On the fifth day, Thursday, Jupiter gets a turn to shine. Jupiter marks a highly-educated and informed perspective, expansive, global, even spiritual. Nearly at the end of the week, it makes sense. Jupiter marks the energy of long distances, as we’ve now arrived some distance from day one, the day of the sun. And we’ve learned something new.

The sixth day and planet are Friday and Venus. Venus corresponds to Taurus, which loves a cozy night in as much as it does a luxurious night on the town. Sounds like the typical Friday debate: should we go out tonight, or tomorrow night? Venus also heralds Libra, which comes in to lighten the vibe with its pretty aesthetic and airy energy.

Finally, the seventh day and planet are Saturday, which as it sounds, represents Saturn. Often, Saturdays are equated with rest and relaxation — and Saturn’s archetype is boundaries and restrictions. Restricting our energy, perhaps? Saturn also fortifies, so this can be a great day for shopping for necessities and replenishing/refilling things.

Need some inspiration? Try approaching your horoscopes, manifesting, journaling, and meditation from the perspective of your daily planetary referent.


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