Jupiter in Pisces 2021-2022

What does Jupiter in Pisces represent?

Jupiter in Pisces marks a time in which spiritual and philosophical expressions deepen. Emotionally-driven ideals may spread more rapidly than usual, especially those marked by deception — either discussing or playing a part in it. In the most idealistic way, we may explore spirituality, get out and travel, and see the world from a romantic lens. Head in the clouds, you could say.

However, while we’re feeling lighter, freer, during this transit, the case is not likely to be so. After all, we are collectively and personally involved in unprecedented times articulated by truly revolutionary astrological transits.

The Mythology of Jupiter and Pisces

In Roman Mythology, Jupiter was the god of the sky and thunder. Jupiter has many similar qualities to that of Zeus, the king of the Greek deities from which he was adopted. The Romans believed the success of their empire was attributed to their sacrificial devotion to Jupiter. His father, Saturn, and brothers Neptune and Pluto may ring a bell. Since the Romans adopted nearly all of their mythology from the Greeks, Jupiter and Zeus have an identical backstory and etymology.

According to Greek mythology, Pisces (representative of the fish) is what Aphrodite (Roman name Venus) and her son Eros (Roman name Cupid) transformed in order to escape the monster Typhon (the personification of volcanic forces). You can see that Greek and Roman mythology have parallel characters and historical relevance. If you’re interested in Greek and Roman mythology, I highly recommend the podcast “Let’s Talk About Myths Baby” which I follow on Spotify.

Jupiter in Pisces 2021 through 2022

Explorative and philosophical Jupiter transited (moved) into the sign of Pisces in 2021. Jupiter's last venture through Pisces occurred in 2010. Pisces season represents the “final” zodiac sign of the zodiac calendar before the calendar resets with fiery Aries. Though Jupiter is typically ruled by Sagittarius, a fire sign, it’s not necessarily uncomfortable in watery Pisces. In fact, when synced with Piscean energy, Jupiter may experience more compassion and creativity than ever before.

Jupiter first ingressed into Pisces Thursday, May 13, 2021, where it remained until July 28th, when it retrograded back into the sign of Aquarius. It once again returns to Pisces just before the 2022 New Year, where it will stay until May 10th, 2022 before another retrograde in October. After that cycle, Jupiter will then move into fiery Aries.. which is a whole other story.

Noting Retrograde Behavior

When planets are in retrograde motion, astrology interprets that as a need to bring present planetary and zodiac energies “inward.” But this transit will touch all of our natal charts, as well as that of the United States which undergoes its first Return aspect 2/22/22. If during this time you are advancing through a spiritual journey (as Jupiter may be calling you to do), it’s best to leave your expectations and idealism behind. Take off your rosy red glasses.

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