Venus Retrograde in Leo Summer 2023

Venus Leo Retrograde July 22 to September 3, 2023

From June 5th to October 8th, Venus will transit through the sign of Fixed-Fire Leo. Just before finalizing its cycle, Venus Stations Retrograde on July 22nd at 28 degrees. For 42 days until September 3rd, Venus will Retrograde back to the 12th degree of Leo.

On the day of Venus ingressing into Leo, it forms an exact Opposition with Pluto, positioned at 0° of Aquarius (Retrograde). Such an Opposition at the start of this transit (IMO) appears to bring an emphasis on power, pride, autonomy, money, creativity, and protection.

Venus is not only the planet of love and relationships but also values and security, and what we possess. These things we own include our talents and skills, as well as material assets like money. Along with the planet Saturn, Venus is inherently concerned about safety and security. Pay attention to money matters this cycle.

Leo is a strong, prideful, and deeply defensive zodiac sign that can easily play both the role of lover and fighter. It would be wise not to spend too much money during this time, particularly if it’s an inauthentic performance to please others. However, if you find yourself in abundance and wish to share, be mindful of your recipient and make purchases you can live with later.

Venus in Leo is indulgent, flirtatious, spirited, passionate, and protective. If a summer fling is on your radar, this could be a great time to explore a new situationship. Keep in mind though, since the planet of love is Retrograde, it’s possible you could re-encounter past lovers or find yourself brooding over past (ended) relationships of all sorts. Venus Retrograde isn’t a damning aspect in a relationship chart, but it’s not exalted by any means.

Venus is co-ruled by Libra and Taurus, two planets that Leo interacts with by Sextile and Square respectively. Justice, peace, diplomacy, hard work, integrity, and security are all qualities that come to life when Venus shows up in the horoscope. Investigate your birth chart and locate which House Leo rules for personalized insight on the archetypes you’ll encounter as Venus explores a specific area of your chart.

In my birth chart, Leo rules the 9th House. This House concerns higher education, philosophies, as well as long-distance travel. I will be taking a trip abroad this summer and have begun plans to start working on enrollment for my Master’s Degree, returning to a collegiate setting for the first time in 12 years. Archetypally spot on. For good reason, Retrogrades take us inward, or even backward, to address (or readdress) ineffective patterns around our values and intimate life.

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