A Paradoxical Premise: Saturn in Pisces

Saturn in Pisces March 2023 to February 2026

Approximately every two to three years, the planet Saturn ingresses forward into a new zodiac sign. On March 7, 2023, Saturn dipped into the realm of Mutable Water. However, from June 17 to November 4, the planet was Retrograde, belittling its progress. During this time, Saturn remained in Pisces, traveling backward to the zero degree and maintaining some emphasis within the domain. At this point in time, Saturn has moved to the 9th degree.

So far this year, I have met with several clients who have a natal Saturn placement that communicates with Saturn in Pisces. Some of these individuals have their Saturn placed in Virgo, others with Scorpio Saturns. With all Saturn transits, we re-experience the same pattern about every 29 years. For those with Saturn in Virgo, they’re at the “halfway” point to their next Saturn Return. The Scorpio Saturns will get a harmonious Trine aspect from Pisces. Saturn brings with it progress that’s often hard-earned. Those with Saturn in Pisces experiencing a Saturn Return at this time will be faced with the “lessons” of their lifetime. I tend to tell clients to bring awareness to the issues arising during a Saturn Return as they could echo throughout time.

When describing Saturn in Pisces, I find myself using words like “conundrum” “paradox” and “enigma” — the puzzling nature of Neptune by way of Pisces coming through here. Saturn not only wants but requires structure and strength. If something is weak at the base, then a collapse is inevitable. As a water sign, Pisces can blur emotional boundaries making self-preservation difficult. This is not what Saturn wants to see. Instead, Saturn wants to see self-imposed restrictions and boundaries that enable spiritual and emotional growth to occur. Saturn wants to form and strengthen; Pisces wants to evaporate. A paradox.

During Saturn’s transit through Pisces, I find myself advising clients to incorporate more magic into their lives in tangible ways. Journals, tarot and oracle cards, paint and art supplies, crystals and geodes, essential oils, and incense, as a few examples. Saturn is a planet that expresses very Capricorn-style energy, so material resources are really key here. Yes, meditation is excellent too. However, bringing your tools into tangible reality is essential. Tracking progress or events in some way is also advised, which is why I love journals. Reflection is a very Piscean skill, and Saturn can bring some pragmatism.

Since Saturn rules time, it’s always fascinating to me to see what events are a part of the ever-continuing 29-year cycles. A significant time marker is the Cairo Agreement of 1994 — very relevant to this moment in time 30 years later. Another is the death of Kurt Cobain on April 8, 1994. Three decades later, his death remains unsettled for many people who choose to believe his death was not a suicide. I have even seen on TikTok people having discorse about “new evidence” that’s surfaced. The youngest of the Millennials and oldest of the Gen X groups were also born during Saturn’s previous transit through Pisces, meaning those born 1964-1967 and 1993 to 1996 are in Saturn Return territory.

Note: due to Retrogrades, you may have been born in these years but have Saturn in Aquarius or even Aries. Check your birth chart to confirm.

Curious about how Saturn in Pisces will impact you now through 2026? Book a horoscope reading with me to get a personalized astro analysis!


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