Degrees in Astrology

Ever wonder what those numbers next to your zodiac placements mean?

If you’ve ever looked at your birth chart, you’ve probably noticed a set of numbers on the right of your zodiac placements. Degrees measure the progress a planet has made in its transit through a zodiac sign. The numbers beside the degrees are minutes. As the minutes increase in number, the proximity to the next degree, or ingression into a subsequent zodiac sign, draws closer in time.

Degrees serve numerous purpose in astrological study. For example, it helps us “tell time.” Consider how the Moon moves through each of the zodiac within two days. So, if we observe the moon at 28 degrees, we can safely estimate it will ingress into the next zodiac sign within a set time period, specifically half a degree per hour.

Degrees also mark the exactitude of aspects and alignments or even transits. When a Full Moon is exact, the Sun and Moon will be opposite not only by sign, but also by degree (I.e., A Full Moon in Libra at 15° will oppose the Sun in Aries at 15°). When a New Moon is exact, the Sun and Moon will be aligned at the same sign and same degree (I.e., Sun and Moon in Taurus at 20°).

The beginning and end of a Retrograde is always stationed at a particular degree. A “Retro-shade” begins when a planet that soon stations Retrograde crosses over degrees it will “revisit” as the planet moves backward. A shady period begins again once the Retrograde ends and forward progress resumes. At that point, several degrees will be “revisited” once more, continuing a “Retro-shade” until said planet moves beyond those twice or thrice crossed degrees.

There’s an esoteric and energetic element to studying degrees. Those who consider themselves on the “cusp” of two signs will find that the degree of their placement can provide significant context, as it accurately marks the mathematical position of a planet as well as the decided zodiac sign.

This birth chart was created on

This birth chart was created on

Looking at my placements, most of my degrees are between 12 and 29. There’s a sense that I am picking up on previously started soul projects, and completing cycles passed on to me. Interestingly, I have the same Moon sign and placement (Aquarius in the third house) and Rising sign as my mother. Though at different degrees (mine later than hers), we enjoy exploring these “cosmic inheritances” when discussing our birth charts.

You may notice I have two placements at the 29th degree, aka the Anaretic degree. This marks the end or completion of a cycle; I personally like to reflect on endings simultaneously presenting beginnings.

After 29 degrees, a planet or position ingresses into a new zodiac sign. The start of a new cycle begins at 0° of the following sign. For example, after 29° of Scorpio is 0° of Sagittarius.

I have heard several Astrologers say the “further in” to a zodiac sign the planet travels, meaning the higher the number of the degree, the more influence that placement may have in someone’s celestial biography. I have seen this myself with clients, who say they “don’t feel” like a typical zodiac sign, only to find that placement is at 0 or 1° of a sign.

As you continue your Astrological studies, you can begin to apply the additional layer of context degrees provide to interpretations.


Full Moon in Aquarius July 2021


Unconscious Versus Subconscious in Astrology