Pluto Return of the USA

February 22, 2022 marks the first Pluto Return of the USA

Pluto is a planet that I love to discuss. Not only is Pluto my chart ruler, but it’s also part of my Scorpio stellium in the 12th house. The distant planet represents death, sex, taboos, transformation, and rebirth from the 8th house. Scorpio rules Pluto in astrology theory, which is a fixed-energy, water sign. Combined, the two sink into the “nitty-gritty” details of the human experience. Pluto and Scorpio correspond with the Death card in the tarot deck. Writing this in the height of Scorpio season just makes sense.

As we draw nearer to the end of this year, I’ve started to hear the rumblings of conversation about some of the intense transits forecasted for 2022. The most prolific, perhaps, is the Pluto Return of the United States of America. While many astrology students and professional readers will provide their own interpretations, I’ve come across what I believe to be notable details in doing my own research. For context, I used this chart on to study and interpret the information below.

Natal chart and transits by

What does Pluto Return mean?

Pluto Returns, most importantly, are astrological transits that no human will ever experience. Since these transits take nearly 250 years to complete, it’s impossible for anyone to undergo a completed Pluto Return transit within their own birth chart. However, charts can be created for more than just people. Events, places, even the birth of nations, can (and do!) have a chart created and transits tracked accordingly. When a planet “returns” according to our birth chart, it means it goes back to the exact degree and zodiac sign it was in, as it is listed, in a birth chart.

The USA, though not as we know it, was founded on July 4, 1776. At this time, Pluto was in the sign of Capricorn, situated in the Second House (as you can see in the image above) at the 27th degree. Since then, Pluto has moved throughout each degree, each zodiac sign, and each house in the astrological wheel.

In February of 2022, the USA’s Pluto Return will be exact. Though Pluto has been in the sign of Capricorn for some time (and recently finished up a retrograde transit!) this Pluto Return transit will not be exact until the 27th degree is reached. This will occur on February 22, 2022 (2/22/22). This “full circle” experience has been witnessed throughout history, but this is the first time for the United States. The energy of this experience is not chill — but alas, take a long look at the world around us.

Interpreting the Degree Theory and symbols in this chart

When I first took a look at the chart pictured above, a few things stuck out to me:

  • Venus, Mars, Pluto, Saturn, and Mercury will all be activated in the Second House, ruled by Capricorn

  • The South Node in Scorpio (life’s debts) is transiting the 12th house (self-undoing)

  • Further, the 12th house in this natal chart starts at the 22nd (critical) degree of Capricorn (destruction)

  • Uranus in Taurus (at a critical degree, 26) is in a trine to the Ascent or Rising Sign of Sagittarius

  • The Moon will be in the sign of Scorpio (the ruling sign of Pluto) during the time of the Pluto Return

  • Venus and Mars, which will both be conjunct Pluto, will both be at the 20th degree of Scorpio

  • In this chart, Mercury is natally in Cancer at the 24th degree of Pisces, which rules the third house

  • The Piscean third house will, at this time, contain the transiting Sun, Jupiter, and Neptune

Giving ‘hindsight is 20/20’ a whole new meaning

I’ve articulated countless examples of what we’ve witnessed and endured in the last year plus correlating to this transit. A global pandemic (and specifically, our country’s response to it) as well as the increased wealth of billionaires amidst a housing, health, and economic crisis. Pluto rules death, taxes, other people’s money, and mysteries.

So many of us have experienced first-hand these radical shifts and changes in our communities and personal lives. Whether due to a Saturn Return (‘92-93 babies hang in there), forced adjustment to new work and social lives, limitations on resources like food and toilet paper, or importantly the health-sensitive individuals who had to, and still do, remain indoors, the times were unprecedented in our modern era. Distance from support systems, friends, and family grew increasingly more challenging as time went on. Many of us have come to terms with the losses (mortally and relationship-wise) with many loved ones. White privilege, wealth inequality, and mental health topics permeated comedic routines, begging us to listen closer. Complex, ephemeral doses of daily tragedies have flooded our screens and minds day in and day out throughout.

As a result, collectively, we’ve changed. Change has happened. It continues to happen. Slowly, gradually. Very Plutonian. An orchestra of ostracizing ourselves and others.

Predicting themes of the Pluto Return

Pluto isn’t known for being “chill” so it’s more than likely that things will get “worse” before they get “better” — as you can see, I’m using these terms in quotes. I do so because they are subjective to an individual’s experience. While these experiences have destroyed much for many, it’s also rebirthed a new direction for which we should also be grateful. There has been a revolving sentiment over the last year and a half of wanting things to “return” to normal. However, endings are necessary for real growth.

When astrological events include Pluto, expect things to change dramatically but slowly. Compost is very Plutonian; it takes the scraps and debris, mixes it with organic matter, breaks down the fibers and nutrients, and results in a wonderful natural fertilizer. This compost can help yield a wonderfully bountiful garden, but long before fruits and vegetables can grow, rot, pollination, and pruning occur. Finally, once that garden is grown and harvested, the scraps re-enter the compost cycle. This is what true sustainability looks like and demands of us. Attentiveness to the least “pretty” parts of the situation; appreciating the necessity of the decaying and beginning again.

Capricorn is a cardinal earth sign that’s unafraid to initiate long-term stability. The economy, climate crisis, debt crisis, racial injustices, misinformation, workplace injustices, manipulation, and corporate greed that have been exposed are spot-on for this Pluto Return. The astrology of 2020, and the ways we experienced it in daily life, launched us into this once-in-a-lifetime metamorphic cycle of our society. The reputation of the United States is changing. Who will we be as a collective once this is all said and done?

Circumstances I expect to see

Pluto is a planet that represents generational energy in a birth chart. My peers and I share a Pluto in Scorpio placement (which you’ll know by now is its natural rulership). The experience of this Pluto Return for the country requires our willingness to abandon our individual comforts and get alongside those without. Belief systems have been and will continue to be challenged. Unfortunately, the casualties and conformity that result from fear and hate for progress will affect us all. No one can selfishly tap out.

The buckling down on political shame and financial punishment for abortions has been a major theme this past year. During a pandemic when their constituents went without paychecks, meals, and solid answers, legislators used our tax dollars to initiate more degradation and punishment. The excrement of our elected official’s goals and agendas will fall entirely upon those with a uterus. Interestingly, the 8th house ruled by Pluto and Scorpio governs the sexual organs in health astrology. Condemning, harming, and judging one another based on religious belief systems has been a continuing theme of the United State’s history. Will the grip only tighten?

As Pluto teaches, it’s the little things that add up to the big picture rather than individual explosive events that truly matter. The work of Pluto is dissecting every level and every detail. Years and years of oppression, manipulation, exploitation, dishonesty, and narcissism have been revealed. Shall we choose to ignore this, move on in our own chaos, or come to a halt and demand restitution? What I hope, and wish, to see come of this radical astrological event is the awareness that we are all in this together. Holding ourselves, our history, and those in power accountable for the culmination of events that led to this point may be the first step to deep, transformative healing.


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