A Rare Jupiter-Neptune Conjunction | April 2022

This aspect last occurred in the mid-1800s

Jupiter visits the watery domain of Pisces every 12 years. However, Neptune takes a little longer at approximately 14 years. It’s a very rare occurrence that both planets form an exact conjunction. But on April 12, 2022, they’ll do exactly that.

Jupiter and Neptune last conjoined in the sign of Pisces on March 17, 1856. This was just 10 years after the planet Neptune was discovered. That Piscean conjunction in 1856 took place at the nineteenth degree of Libra. Now, 166 years later, the two planets will align at the 23rd degree of Aquarius. Symbolism for this degree is a little severe — “to cut.”

Jupiter, whose ruling planet is Sagittarius, represents worldly values, travel, spirituality, faith, and studiousness.
Neptune, whose ruling planet is Pisces, signifies dreams, fantasies, empathy, and inspiration.

Interestingly, Saturn enters the figurative chat this go around. The planet of maturity, boundaries, fears, and responsibility will be positioned at the 23rd degree in the sign of Aquarius on April 12. Of course, there are many layers of information to gather from other details in the chart for April 12. Additional noteworthy transits include Mars Conjunction Saturn, Neptune Sextile North Node, and Jupiter Sextile North Node. Astrology does not exist within a vacuum; context is very important.

It’s possible under this transit that those who clash with our ideals, perspective, goals, and dreams will fade away. This could be a slippery slope for a culture of exclusion and exclusivity, disconnecting communities but connecting others. A benefit of this transit could be that we may phase out limiting beliefs, and embrace more empathy personally and in the collective.

For those out there with their sun, moon, and especially rising sign in Pisces, this could be a very enlightening time. Depending on the specifics of the birth chart, these could be immensely constructive, inspiring, and creative times. Since Jupiter forms a Sextile to Jupiter at this time, this will likely be a period of enrichment and refinement.

Whatever may come, express compassion for yourself. Express compassion for others.


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