The Astrology of 2025

The Astrology of 2025: Genesis of Revolution

For several years, Astrologers have remarked about the never-before-seen-in-our-lifetimes transits and ingressions of the 2020s. Pluto’s historic move into Aquarius for the first time in nearly 250 years has taken center stage. But this year, Neptune and Uranus make major moves as well.

Neptune moves into Aries

On March 30, dreamy Neptune moves into the sign of Cardinal Fire, Aries. This is the first time Neptune has ingressed into Aries’s domain since 1861. This corresponds to the beginning of the American Civil War. Neptune has transited through Pisces (where it’s most at home) since 2011. This new transit will run through 2039. However, a Retrograde on October 22 will take Neptune back to the final, Anaretic degree of Pisces.

Saturn shifts into Aries

On May 24, the planet of rules, restrictions, boundaries, and maturing also moves into Aries. Saturn has transited through Pisces since 2023, and due to a Retrograde, will also return to the Anaretic degree of Pisces. Saturn’s transit through Aries permeates 2026 through 2028. If your birth chart features Saturn in Aries, this will mark your Saturn Return. Saturn’s transit through Pisces and Aries is closely linked to Netpune’s. The two planets conjoin about every 36 years and will remain within 15 degrees of one another until 2027.

Jupiter moves into Cancer

On June 9, Jupiter ingresses into Cancer. It’s been 12 years since expansive Jupiter traveled through Cardinal Water’s domain. Such a placement of Jupiter in Cancer is considered “exalted” and those born under this alignment may come across endless praises in their horoscopes. Jupiter’s associations with growth and abundance under this transit have the potential to reach higher octaves. Mark your calendar for June 25, when a New Moon in Cancer conjoins almost exactly with Jupiter at 3 degrees and 33 minutes. That numerology, though!

Uranus ingresses into Gemini

On July 7, Uranus brings its unsuspecting energy into the domain of Mutable Air, Gemini. Uranus has transited through the former sign of Taurus since 2018. A Retrograde will also take this planet back to the Anaretic degree but will return to Gemini in 2026. Prior to this, Uranus transited into Gemini in 1934. The history is rich in anecdotes for this period: WWII, the rise of the Nazi party, the Great Depression, and many inventions created.

Processing the Astrology of 2025

As we watch these planets move to and fro, we’ll see Neptune, Saturn, and Uranus dance a unique tango with one another. At 0 degrees of Aries, Saturn and Neptune form a Sextile to Uranus at 0 degrees of Gemini. At the Anaretic degree of Pisces, Neptune and Saturn also Sextile the final degree of Taurus. There’s momentum created between all three of these planets, extending a couple of years beyond 2025.

Sextiles form when planets are 60 degrees apart. They are generally considered active, productive, and high-energy communication between them.

I think it is important to note, as I pointed out in my 2025 Astrology Preview on Instagram, that newly-ingressed planets will not be fully activated. That is to say, unless you are someone with Anaretic placements, the shifts will be subtle. They are building, they are mounting. Allow them to unfold without being too predictive, especially with Uranus, which reminds us to expect the unexpected.

In many ways, 2025’s horoscope is a tease of what’s to come. The Retrogrades of Neptune, Saturn, and Uranus serve as a reminder that certain “business” has been left “unfinished.” As with all Retrogrades, there’s a need to review, revise, and recalibrate. Go back. Look again.

Aries being the first zodiac sign means that these planetary ingressions mark the beginning of a totally new cycle. With Pluto’s ingression back into Aquarius in November of 2024, talk of revolution and transformation society-wide has begun to simmer — but it’s not yet at a boil.

For many years, I’ve heard other Astrologers say we are on the precipice of revolution. In 2025, we inch closer to reform. In 2025, those who wish to lead the change will become even louder and harder to ignore. We must not turn our attention away, but rather tune in, to our own intuition.


The Sun in Astrology


2024 Jupiter-Uranus Conjunction